
Superweek Day 7: the Columbian Caused Carmage Continues

Superweek headed north yesterday for it's first stage "home" in Shorewood, Wisconsin. The course features long straightaways that favor the powerful riders. Mike Farrell referred to the pack sprint in Shorewood in 2006 as looking like a "charging herd of Clydesdales" as the sprints wound up their huge gears. Well, there was no bunch sprint this year- but pure power prevailed.
A break containing a Columbian National Team Rider (we'll have names soon) and Rock Racing's Pete Dawson stayed away from a KBS/Medifast lead peloton. ABD/GEARGRINDER's Jeff Schroetlin and Ryan White both raced, but once the break was established Schroetlin said the day was pretty much over for everyone else. "The last couple of days the Columbian guys are really making the domestic teams look bad. Their riders are powering these breaks that big teams can't chase down, and then the other Columbian guys are taking quite a few primes."
The ABD/GG pair are looking forward to this weekend, when the rest of the team rejoins them.

Sent from handheld.

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